94 research outputs found

    Measuring the Tourism Destination Images Based on Service Quality using Fuzzy Inference System

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    The article discusses the measurement of tourism destination images perceived by travellers based on five dimensions of the service quality, i.e. tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. Measurement problems occur when a traveler assesses the quality of a tourism destination service subjectively with vague boundaries and perceives the image of a tourism destination to vary. To address these issues, we designed a inference model using Mamdanis fuzzy inference system. The results of this study are quantitative assessments of the image of tourism destinations by various travelers based on qualitative perceptions of the quality of service experienced by the traveler

    Selection of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing’s Program Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Case Study in Electronic Company

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    Nowadays, green purchasing, stop global warming, love the mother earth, and others that related to environment become hot issues. Manufactures industries tend to more active and responsive to those issues by adopting green strategies or program like Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (ECM). In this article, an electronic company had applied 12 ECM Program and tries to choose one of those programs using 6 criteria, such as total cost involved, quality, recyclable material, process waste reduction, packaging waste reduction, and regulation compliance. By using multi-criteria decision making model, i.e. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Modified TOPSIS methods, the ECM Program 9 (Open pit) is the best option. Keywords: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (ECM), Electronic Company, AHP, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Modified TOPSI

    Measuring the tourist destination images based on service quality using fuzzy inference system

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    The article discusses the measurement of tourist destination images perceived by travelers based on five dimensions of the service quality, i.e. tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. Measurement problems occur when a traveler assesses the quality of a tourism destination service subjectively with vague boundaries and perceives the image of a tourism destination to vary. To address these issues, we designed an inference model using Mamdanis fuzzy inference system. The results of this study are quantitative assessments of the image of tourism destinations by various travellers based on qualitative perceptions of the quality of service experienced by the traveller

    Modified fuzzy Delphi to determine the consensus of government facility governance

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    The article discusses the development of governance indicators for work facility policies of local government. These indicators will be used as a policy to ensure that work facilities are durable, cost-effective in procurement and maintenance, are effective in use, and added value for end of use/life. Many researchers previously developed governance indicators with the Fuzzy Delphi method, but there were still gaps, namely the differences in the weight of expertise had not been accommodated in determining the final consensus of the importance of each indicator. In this article, the indicators are developed by expert, by considering the weight of their expertise, using a modified Fuzzy Delphi method. The final results of the study are four dimensions of government work facilities governance with twenty indicators that are important in improving the operational performance of local governments


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    This study aims to test whether the ratio analysis consisting of Current Ratio (CR), Debt Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Equity (ROE), and Financial Performance consisting of Earning per share (EPS) have an effect on Stock Price. The population in this study is the company that entered in the index LQ45 in 2015-2016. The sampling technique used in this study is by purposive sampling where the sample is selected on the basis of certain considerations or criteria and the number of samples obtained in the study were 56 companies. The results showed that: (1) Current Ratio has a positive effect on stock prices. (2) .Debt to Equity Ratio does not affect the stock price. (3) .Return on Equity does not affect the stock price (4) .Earning per share has a positive effect on stock prices. Keywords : Current Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Earning per share, Stock Price

    The Effect of Unreliable Machine for Two Echelons Deteriorating Inventory Model

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    Many researchers have developed two echelons supply chain, however only few of them consider deteriorating items and unreliable machine in their models In this paper, we develop an inventory deteriorating model for two echelons supply chain with unreliable machine. The unreliable machine time is assumed uniformly distributed. The model is solved using simple heuristic since a closed form model can not be derived. A numerical example is used to show how the model works. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to show effect of different lost sales cost in the model. The result shows that increasing lost sales cost will increase both manufacture and buyer costs however buyer’s total cost increase higher than manufacture’s total cost as manufacture’s machine is more unreliable


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    Inventory model is one research topic that has been given attention intensively in the supply chain. There are two main costs for inventory, which are transport cost and inventory cost. Therefore, some buyers would like to apply a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) system where vendors handle the transportation and manage stocks at the buyer’s hand. The problem is complex for some items, such as fruits and vegetables, in which the items deteriorate. The need for fruits and vegetables tends to be higher as the stock is high. Deteriorating inventory models have been developed in many years, however, only a few models considering vehicle capacity, carbon emission, deteriorating items, stock dependent demand, and unavailability supply. In this study, a deteriorating inventory model for multi items in one distribution with stock dependent demand is improved. On the other hand, fruits and vegetable stock are not consistently available, so lost sales costs should be examined. Environmental issues have been studied by many researchers. Therefore, we further consider the carbon emission yield in this model. Since the closed-loop solution can not be obtained, we employ a simple heuristic solution in Maple. A sensitivity analysis is employed to obtain some management insight. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the carbon emission tax rate can encourage decision-makers to increase order quantity and reduce carbon emission, but the policy should deal with many features that are recognized by decision-makers to make it usefu

    The Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic on Commitment and Performance of Academic Support Staff

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    The article discusses changes in commitment and performance of academic support staff in higher education. Work situations and locations changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are suspected to affect the commitment of academic support staff, both affective, normative, and continual commitments, which in turn can affect their performance in serving academic units. The research was conducted by collecting data using a purposive sampling. Analysis of differences in commitment and performance of academic support staff based on differences in gender, position, and proportion of telework (between work from home and work from office), tested with One-Way Anova and effect analysis from commitment to employee performance was tested using Structural Equation Model. The results of the research show that female staff with positions as division heads who work from home, are more loyal to institutions, have higher improvement efforts, and perform better work efficiency than male staff. Furthermore, continual commitment, which is measured in staff readiness to learn the online system, take initiative in conditions of social restriction, and improvement efforts, has the strongest impact on employee performance

    Estimasi Dosis Serap dengan Metode Size Specific Dose Estimation (SSDE) dan Risiko Radiasi pada Pemeriksaan CT-Scan Kepala di Rumah Sakit Daerah Mangusada Kabupaten Badung

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    CT scan -Scan Those originating from X-rays on the head are very risky considering that the tissue in the brain has a greater sensitivity to ionizing radiation when compared to other organs in the human body. Problems will then arise when the use of CT-Scan sourced from X-rays can pose a radiation risk. Based on research conducted by Mathews et al. (2013) reported that at least 680,211 patients who had performed CT-Scan, 3,150 patients were diagnosed with cancer. There is a more accurate method in estimating the dose received by patients, namely using the SSDE. The dose estimation method using SSDE considers geometric factors (body size). The purpose of this study was to see how weight, gender, and age affect SSDE, using 80 patients classified into 4 age groups (children, adults, elderly, and seniors). The results showed that the average effective dose for children was 4.065 mSv for males and 3.706 mSv for females with a significant effect of weight, sex, and age on SSDE because theFCount as big4,640    FTableof 2.21

    Optimal Deteriorating Inventory Models for Varies Supply Life Cycles

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    Agriculture items, such as fruits and vegetables, have different supply and demand characteristics during a harvest period. Fruits supply in the first and end of harvest time are not reliable so sometimes supply are not available when needed. Fruits demand is different during harvest season. In the first harvest season, demand depends on price and at the end of harvest time, the demand depends on presentation of the items. In this study, inventory deteriorating items models for the first and the end of the harvest season are developed. Since closed-form solutions cannot be derived from the models, a Genetic Algorithm and a heuristic method are used to solve the problems. A numerical example and sensitivity analysis are conducted to illustrate the model and get insights. The sensitivity analysis shows that the supplier will increase his price when supply is not reliable at the early harvest period.  The results show that the unreliable supply is susceptible to the total cost at the end of the harvest period
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